Detail of Heroes Kamen Rider Saber Primitive Dragon & Elemental Primitve Dragon

 Due to the nature of the forbidden tome it was created from, Saber's personality is suppressed, causing him to behave like a feral beast and attack anyone in sight. Saber also abandons any form of swordsmanship or technique, as shown by him often wielding the Kaenken Rekka in a reverse grip or even by its blade rather than the handle. 

In this form Saber was also the first Rider to be seen using the Sword Crown as a weapon. Despite its effect on the user's mind, the form's raw power compensates for its lack of skill, surpassing Dragonic Knight by a wide margin and allowing Saber to defeat several Riders and Megid generals with ease.

Kamen Rider Saber Primitive Dragon

Primitive Dragon (プリミティブドラゴン Purimitibu Doragon) is Saber's primary skeletal dragon-based super form accessed by using the Primitive Dragon Wonder Ride Book containing the Brave Dragon Wonder Ride Book in the Seiken Swordriver.

Kamen Rider Saber Primitive Dragon Finisher

  • Seiken Swordriver finisher:
    • Crash Hissatsu Geki (クラッシュ必殺撃 Kurasshu Hissatsu Geki):
  • Kaenken Rekka finisher:
    • Crash Hissatsu Giri (クラッシュ必殺斬り Kurasshu Hissatsu Giri): Has two variations.
      • Saber summons a Void Talon from the Primitive Dragon Wonder Ride Book that grabs and straggles the opponent closer before violently landing a powerful reverse-grip slash covered in powder blue and black energy, causing a deadly shockwave upon impact around surroundings. This attack is strong enough to cancel the transformation of any Riders within range.
      • Saber summons Void Talon from the Primitive Dragon Wonder Ride Book that grabs and straggles the opponent until their explode.

Kamen Rider Saber Primitive Dragon Devices

  • Seiken Swordriver - Main transformation device.
  • Wonder Ride Books - Transformation trinkets.
  • Hissatsuholder - Carrying straps for Wonder Ride Books.

Kamen Rider Saber Elemental Primitve Dragon

Elemental Primitive Dragon (エレメンタルプリミティブドラゴン Erementaru Purimitibu Doragon) is Saber's upgraded super form accessed by using the Primitive Dragon Wonder Ride Book containing the Elemental Dragon Wonder Ride Book in the Seiken Swordriver. It allows Saber to fully control the power of Primitive Dragon.

In this form, Saber gains a significant increase in all stats whilst regaining control over himself. He can also wield the elements of fire, water, lightning, earth, and wind, representing the Seiken of his allies. Using this form he was able to easily defeat Legeiel Forbidden.

In addition to wielding the elements freely, Touma can also transform his body into said elements, transforming into either fire, water, lightning, earth, or wind to negate physical damage. This is also automatic, protecting Touma without his awareness. This skill came in great use in his first fight against Durendal.

Kamen Rider Saber Elemental Primitve Dragon Finisher

  • Seiken Swordriver finisher.
    • Element Shuugekiha (五大元素蹴撃破[エレメントシュウゲキハ] Eremento (Godai Genso) Shūgekiha, lit. "Five Elements Kick Break")[20]: Saber jumps into the air surrounded by multicolored energy and performs a flying kick with fire, water, and lightning covering his foot as well as wind and rocks circling his body.
  • Kaenken Rekka finisher.
    • Shinra Banshouzan (森羅万象斬 Lit. "Whole Creation Slash"): Has two variations.
      • Saber charges the Kaenken Rekka with fire before gathering all elements' power and delivering a single rainbow-colored slash to the enemy. This pushes the enemy a few meters away before destroying them.
      • Saber charges the Kenken Rekka with fire before he clashes with an opponent's attack. Upon breaking through, the enemy is struck with an red energy slash.

Kamen Rider Saber Elemental Primitve Dragon Devices

  • Seiken Swordriver - Main transformation device.
  • Wonder Ride Books - Transformation trinkets.
  • Hissatsuholder - Carrying straps for Wonder Ride Books.

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