REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

This is review of Bandai action figure SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz from V-Cinext Kamen Rider 555 20th Paradise Regained.

Bandai action figure SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz

The entire figure has been newly sculpted with no parts reused from the normal Faiz. The head is the only part that looks similar, while the chest armor, belt, and overall detailing are almost completely different designs.


The compound eyes retain the shape of the normal Faiz, but a clear visor has been added to the front. Additionally, the color of the compound eyes is lighter than the normal version. The design of the sides of the head has also changed, featuring more mechanical details compared to the normal Faiz.

Body Details

The chest features large, round armor pieces designed in the shape of the Faiz symbol. The body shape is almost identical to the normal Faiz.

Waist Area

The belt has been updated to the Faiz Driver NEXT, changing from a flip phone to a smartphone to match modern times. The buckle can be rotated halfway, and the printed display on the Faiz Phone 20 Plus is beautifully detailed.


The length and thickness of the arms and legs remain unchanged, but the shoulder armor has become bulkier, with additional armor pieces added to various parts, giving it a reinforced look.


The back design remains consistent with the overall aesthetic.


The Faiz Phone on the belt is removable and comes with a dedicated hand to hold it. However, my Faiz Phone had a slightly warped silver part. The Faiz Phone 20 Plus in Burst Mode also comes with a dedicated hand, as does the Faiz Phone 20 Plus in Knuckle Mode.

Front View

By swapping the visor and Faiz Phone and rotating the chest armor, the figure can be transformed into the Accel Form (before startup). The visor is replaced from the compound eye section, and the sculpt changes not only by turning red but also by a half-rotation of the internal mechanism, significantly altering the look. The chest armor rotates to expose internal mechanical details. The Faiz Phone is switched to one with a blue screen indicating the Accel app is active. The same dedicated hand as the regular Faiz Phone can hold this as well.

Comparison with Normal Faiz

Aside from the head, the figure is almost entirely different. This reinforces the impression that the original version is preferable, as depicted in the main series.


The joints are nearly the same as the normal Faiz, so the range of motion is mostly unchanged. However, the chest armor does limit forward bending slightly. The knuckle mode, not used in the series, is included, as is the burst mode. The figure can be transformed into the Accel form, and the iconic pre-kick pose is easily replicated.

Accessories from Previous Series

The old series' Faiz Edge and Faiz Blaster can be held, but the grip shape does not match perfectly, making it a forced fit. It is disappointing that these primary weapons from the series were not included. 


In conclusion, the SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz features new sculpting, yet maintains the proportions of the normal Faiz, ensuring balanced visuals and accurate detailing. The paintwork is meticulous overall, with the slight issue of a warped part on the Faiz Phone. Despite a narrower range of motion in the chest due to design differences, articulation remains good. The gimmicks, including transformations to the Accel form, are well-executed and engaging. It’s regrettable that the essential Faiz Edge was not included, but overall, this figure is well-crafted and detailed.


REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

REVIEW SHFiguarts (Shinkocchou Seihou) Kamen Rider Next Faiz, Bandai

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